ColumnPhysicalName ColumnLogicalName ColumnGroupLabel ColumnLabel ColumnDescription UnitsOfMeasureUnabbreviated UnitsOfMeasureAbbreviated
airtempa_h mean_annual_air_temperature_h MAAT High The arithmetic average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures for a calendar year taken over the standard “normal” period, 1981 to 2010. degrees centigrade degrees c
airtempa_l mean_annual_air_temperature_l MAAT Low The arithmetic average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures for a calendar year taken over the standard “normal” period, 1981 to 2010. degrees centigrade degrees c
airtempa_r mean_annual_air_temperature_r MAAT RV The arithmetic average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures for a calendar year taken over the standard “normal” period, 1981 to 2010. degrees centigrade degrees c
areasymbol area_symbol Area Symbol A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109). NULL NULL
areatypename area_type_name Area Type Name The name of a particular type of area. Area type names include “state”, “county”, “mlra”, etc. NULL NULL
awc_r available_water_capacity_r AWC RV The amount of water that an increment of soil depth, inclusive of fragments, can store that is available to plants. AWC is expressed as a volume fraction, and is commonly estimated as the difference between the water contents at 1/10 or 1/3 bar (field capacity) and 15 bars (permanent wilting point) tension and adjusted for salinity, and fragments. centimeters per centimeter cm/cm
aws0150wta aws_0_150_wta Available Water Storage 0-150 cm - Weighted Average Available water storage (AWS). The volume of water that the soil, to a depth of 150 centimeters, can store that is available to plants. It is reported as the weighted average of all components in the map unit, and is expressed as centimeters of water.
cec7_h cation_exch_capcty_nh4oacph7_h CEC-7 High The amount of readily exchangeable cations that can be electrically adsorbed to negative charges in the soil, soil constituent, or other material, at pH 7.0, as estimated by the ammonium acetate method. centimoles of charge per kilogram cmol(+)/kg
cec7_l cation_exch_capcty_nh4oacph7_l CEC-7 Low The amount of readily exchangeable cations that can be electrically adsorbed to negative charges in the soil, soil constituent, or other material, at pH 7.0, as estimated by the ammonium acetate method. centimoles of charge per kilogram cmol(+)/kg
cec7_r cation_exch_capcty_nh4oacph7_r CEC-7 RV The amount of readily exchangeable cations that can be electrically adsorbed to negative charges in the soil, soil constituent, or other material, at pH 7.0, as estimated by the ammonium acetate method. centimoles of charge per kilogram cmol(+)/kg
chkey chorizon_key Chorizon Key A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table. NULL NULL
claytotal_h clay_total_separate_h Total Clay High Mineral particles less than 0.002mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction. percent percent
claytotal_l clay_total_separate_l Total Clay Low Mineral particles less than 0.002mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction. percent percent
claytotal_r clay_total_separate_r Total Clay RV Mineral particles less than 0.002mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction. percent percent
cokey component_key Component Key A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component table. NULL NULL
compname component_name Component Name Name assigned to a component based on its range of properties. NULL NULL
comppct_r component_percent_r Comp % RV The percentage of the component of the mapunit. percent percent
dbthirdbar_r bulk_density_one_third_bar_r Db 0.33 bar H2O RV The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of 1/3 bar. grams per cubic centimeter g/cm3
desgnmaster horz_desgn_master Master One of four kinds of symbols, that when concatenated, are used to distinguish different kinds of layers in soils. Master horizons and layers are the base symbols to which other characters are added to complete the designations. Capital letters, virgules (/), and ampersands (&) are used. (SSM) NULL NULL
drainagecl drainage_class Drainage Class Identifies the natural drainage conditions of the soil and refers to the frequency and duration of wet periods. An example of a drainage class is well drained. NULL NULL
ec_h electrical_conductivity_h EC High The electrical conductivity of an extract from saturated soil paste. decisiemens per meter dS/m
ec_l electrical_conductivity_l EC Low The electrical conductivity of an extract from saturated soil paste. decisiemens per meter dS/m
ec_r electrical_conductivity_r EC RV The electrical conductivity of an extract from saturated soil paste. decisiemens per meter dS/m
ecec_h effective_cation_exch_capcty_h ECEC High The sum of NH4OAc extractable bases plus KCl extractable aluminum. centimoles of charge per kilogram cmol(+)/kg
ecec_l effective_cation_exch_capcty_l ECEC Low The sum of NH4OAc extractable bases plus KCl extractable aluminum. centimoles of charge per kilogram cmol(+)/kg
ecec_r effective_cation_exch_capcty_r ECEC RV The sum of NH4OAc extractable bases plus KCl extractable aluminum. centimoles of charge per kilogram cmol(+)/kg
elev_r elevation_r Elevation RV The vertical distance from mean sea level to a point on the earth’s surface. meters meters
extral_h extractable_aluminum_h Extract Al High The amount of aluminum extracted in 1 normal potassium chloride. The following laboratory method is applied: 55 ml of 1 normal potassium chloride is extracted through 2.5 g of soil sample. The extract is analyzed by use of an atomic adsorption spectrometer or similar instrument (SSIR #1, method 6G9a and NSSH). centimoles of charge per kilogram cmol(+)/kg
extral_l extractable_aluminum_l Extract Al Low The amount of aluminum extracted in 1 normal potassium chloride. The following laboratory method is applied: 55 ml of 1 normal potassium chloride is extracted through 2.5 g of soil sample. The extract is analyzed by use of an atomic adsorption spectrometer or similar instrument (SSIR #1, method 6G9a and NSSH). centimoles of charge per kilogram cmol(+)/kg
extral_r extractable_aluminum_r Extract Al RV The amount of aluminum extracted in 1 normal potassium chloride. The following laboratory method is applied: 55 ml of 1 normal potassium chloride is extracted through 2.5 g of soil sample. The extract is analyzed by use of an atomic adsorption spectrometer or similar instrument (SSIR #1, method 6G9a and NSSH). centimoles of charge per kilogram cmol(+)/kg
ffd_h mean_annual_frost_free_days_h Frost Free Days High The expected number of days between the last freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in spring (Jan-Jul) and the first freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in the fall (Aug-Dec). The number of days is based on the probability that the values for the standard “normal” period of 1961 to 1990 will be exceeded in 5 years out of 10. days days
ffd_l mean_annual_frost_free_days_l Frost Free Days Low The expected number of days between the last freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in spring (Jan-Jul) and the first freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in the fall (Aug-Dec). The number of days is based on the probability that the values for the standard “normal” period of 1961 to 1990 will be exceeded in 5 years out of 10. days days
ffd_r mean_annual_frost_free_days_r Frost Free Days RV The expected number of days between the last freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in spring (Jan-Jul) and the first freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in the fall (Aug-Dec). The number of days is based on the probability that the values for the standard “normal” period of 1961 to 1990 will be exceeded in 5 years out of 10. days days
floddurcl flooding_duration_class Flooding Duration Average duration of inundation per flood occurrence and expressed as a class. (NSSH) NULL NULL
flodfreqcl flooding_frequency_class Flooding Frequency The annual probability of a flood event expressed as a class. (SSM). NULL NULL
fragvol_r fragment_volume_r Vol % RV The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base. percent percent
gypsum_r gypsum_r Gypsum RV The percent by weight of hydrated calcium sulfate in the less than 20 mm fraction of soil. percent percent
hydricrating hydric_rating Hydric Rating A yes/no field that indicates whether or not a map unit component is classified as a “hydric soil”. If rated as hydric, the specific criteria met are listed in the Component Hydric Criteria table. NULL NULL
hzdepb_h horizon_depth_to_bottom_h Bottom Depth High The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon. centimeters cm
hzdepb_l horizon_depth_to_bottom_l Bottom Depth Low The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon. centimeters cm
hzdepb_r horizon_depth_to_bottom_r Bottom Depth RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon. centimeters cm
hzdept_h horizon_depth_to_top_h Top Depth High The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon. centimeters cm
hzdept_l horizon_depth_to_top_l Top Depth Low The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon. centimeters cm
hzdept_r horizon_depth_to_top_r Top Depth RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon. centimeters cm
hzname horizon_designation Designation The concatenated string of four kinds of symbols (five data elements) used to distinguish different kinds of layers in the soil. (SSM) NULL NULL
lieutex terms_used_in_lieu_of_texture In Lieu Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason. NULL NULL
localphase local_phase Local Phase Phase criterion to be used at a local level, in conjunction with “component name” to help identify a soil component. NULL NULL
majcompflag major_component_flag Major Component Indicates whether or not a component is a major component in the mapunit. NULL NULL
map_h mean_annual_precipitation_h MAP High The arithmetic average of the total annual (liquid) precipitation taken over the standard “normal” period, 1961-1990. millimeters mm
map_l mean_annual_precipitation_l MAP Low The arithmetic average of the total annual (liquid) precipitation taken over the standard “normal” period, 1961-1990. millimeters mm
map_r mean_annual_precipitation_r MAP RV The arithmetic average of the total annual (liquid) precipitation taken over the standard “normal” period, 1961-1990. millimeters mm
month month Month One of the twelve months of the year. NULL NULL
mukey mapunit_key Mapunit Key A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table. NULL NULL
musym mapunit_symbol Mapunit Symbol The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey. NULL NULL
om_h organic_matter_percent_h OM High The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material. percent percent
om_l organic_matter_percent_l OM Low The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material. percent percent
om_r organic_matter_percent_r OM RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material. percent percent
ph01mcacl2_h ph_01m_cacl2_h pH CaCl2 High The negative logarithm to base of 10 or the hydrogen ion activity in the soil, using the 0.01M CaCl2 method, in a 1:2 soil:solution ratio. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM) NULL NULL
ph01mcacl2_l ph_01m_cacl2_l pH CaCl2 Low The negative logarithm to base of 10 or the hydrogen ion activity in the soil, using the 0.01M CaCl2 method, in a 1:2 soil:solution ratio. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM) NULL NULL
ph01mcacl2_r ph_01m_cacl2_r pH CaCl2 RV The negative logarithm to base of 10 or the hydrogen ion activity in the soil, using the 0.01M CaCl2 method, in a 1:2 soil:solution ratio. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM) NULL NULL
ph1to1h2o_h ph_1_1_water_h pH H2O High The negative logarithm to the base 10, of the hydrogen ion activity in the soil using the 1:1 soil-water ratio method. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM) NULL NULL
ph1to1h2o_l ph_1_1_water_l pH H2O Low The negative logarithm to the base 10, of the hydrogen ion activity in the soil using the 1:1 soil-water ratio method. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM) NULL NULL
ph1to1h2o_r ph_1_1_water_r pH H2O RV The negative logarithm to the base 10, of the hydrogen ion activity in the soil using the 1:1 soil-water ratio method. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM) NULL NULL
ponddurcl ponding_duration_class Ponding Duration The average duration, or length of time, of the ponding occurrence. (NSSH) NULL NULL
pondfreqcl ponding_frequency_class Ponding Frequency The number of times ponding occurs over a period of time. (SSM) NULL NULL
resdept_h restriction_depth_to_top_h Top Depth High The distance from the soil surface to the upper boundary of the restrictive layer. centimeters cm
resdept_l restriction_depth_to_top_l Top Depth Low The distance from the soil surface to the upper boundary of the restrictive layer. centimeters cm
resdept_r restriction_depth_to_top_r Top Depth RV The distance from the soil surface to the upper boundary of the restrictive layer. centimeters cm
reskind restriction_kind Kind Type of nearly continuous layer that has one or more physical, chemical, or thermal property(ies) that significantly reduce the movement of water and air through the soil or that otherwise provides an unfavorable root environment. NULL NULL
sandtotal_h sand_total_separate_h Total Sand High Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction. percent percent
sandtotal_l sand_total_separate_l Total Sand Low Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction. percent percent
sandtotal_r sand_total_separate_r Total Sand RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction. percent percent
sar_h sodium_adsorption_ratio_h SAR High A measure of the amount of Sodium (Na) relative to Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) in the water extract from saturated soil paste. NULL NULL
sar_l sodium_adsorption_ratio_l SAR Low A measure of the amount of Sodium (Na) relative to Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) in the water extract from saturated soil paste. NULL NULL
sar_r sodium_adsorption_ratio_r SAR RV A measure of the amount of Sodium (Na) relative to Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) in the water extract from saturated soil paste. NULL NULL
shapeacross shape_across Slope Shape Across The geometric, two dimensional profile (shape) of the slope parallel to elevation contours. NULL NULL
shapedown shape_down Slope Shape Up/Down The longitudinal shape of the slope. NULL NULL
silttotal_r silt_total_separate_r Total Silt RV Mineral particles 0.002 to 0.05mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction. percent percent
soimoistdept_h soil_moist_depth_to_top_h Top Depth High The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the moisture layer. centimeters cm
soimoistdept_l soil_moist_depth_to_top_l Top Depth Low The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the moisture layer. centimeters cm
soimoistdept_r soil_moist_depth_to_top_r Top Depth RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the moisture layer. centimeters cm
soimoiststat soil_moisture_status Moisture Status The mean monthly soil water state at a specified depth. NULL NULL
taxgrtgroup taxonomic_great_group Great Group The third level of Soil Taxonomy. The category is below the suborder and above the subgroup. NULL NULL
taxorder taxonomic_order Order The highest level in Soil Taxonomy. NULL NULL
taxsubgrp taxonomic_subgroup Subgroup The fourth level of Soil Taxonomy. The subgroup is below great group and above family. NULL NULL
taxtempcl taxonomic_family_temp_class Temp Class The taxonomic family temperature class used to construct the official classification name. It may be null when the taxonomic family temperature class is embedded in the classification name. The actual taxonomic temperature regime is recorded in another place. NULL NULL
taxtempregime taxonomic_temp_regime Temp Regime Soil temperature regime as defined in Soil Taxonomy. NULL NULL
texcl texture_class Texture An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil. NULL NULL
texture texture_modifier_and_class Tex Mod & Class Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS. NULL NULL