1 |
Check Component percent is not null or zero |
Component |
2 |
Check horizon thickness is not null or zero |
Component horizon |
3 |
Check for major components and less than 10 percent |
Component |
4 |
Check for histic or histosols in taxonomic name where hydric rating is no |
Component |
5 |
Component RV percent total exceeds 100% |
Mapunit* |
6 |
Horizon depths contain either gaps or overlaps |
Component* |
7 |
Horizon bottom depth is NULL |
Component horizon |
8 |
Horizon depths are duplicated |
Component horizon |
9 |
Check for hydric rating where component percent is null or zero |
Component |
10 |
Component RV percent total is less than 100% |
Component |
Check Null Component Percent by State
SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT c.cokey) AS ct, LEFT (Areasymbol, 2) AS State_sym
INTO #tem1
FROM legend AS l
INNER JOIN mapunit AS m ON m.lkey=l.lkey AND areasymbol <> 'US'
INNER JOIN component AS c ON c.mukey=m.mukey AND comppct_r IS NULL
GROUP BY Areasymbol
SELECT DISTINCT SUM (ct) over(partition by State_sym) as SUM_NULL_COMP_PCT, State_sym
FROM #tem1
ORDER BY State_sym ASC
CA |
6 |
CO |
1033 |
IL |
2907 |
KS |
95 |
LA |
1 |
MS |
77 |
MT |
1 |
NM |
4207 |
NV |
1 |
OH |
6877 |
OR |
6 |
TN |
2 |
UT |
3 |
VA |
2 |
WA |
372 |
WI |
1491 |
WV |
32 |
WY |
2 |
Breakdown Null Component Percent: * 17,115 Components * 76 Major Component * 17,039 Minor Components * 6,885 National Map Unit Symbols
Checks Major Components Where Percent is Less Than 10
SELECT areasymbol, areaname, mapunit.muname, mapunit.mukey, compname, localphase, component.cokey,
comppct_r, majcompflag , nationalmusym, musym
INTO #comp2
FROM (legend INNER JOIN (mapunit INNER JOIN component ON mapunit.mukey = component.mukey AND majcompflag = 'Yes' ) ON legend.lkey = mapunit.lkey AND areasymbol <> 'US')
ORDER BY areasymbol ASC, musym ASC, muname ASC, component.cokey;
---with â recursive common table expression - Organize Complex Queries
WITH #comp AS (Select areasymbol, areaname, nationalmusym, musym, muname, mukey, compname, cokey, majcompflag, localphase, SUM (comppct_r) over(partition by mukey) AS mu_sum_pct,
SUM (comppct_r) over(partition by mukey, compname) AS sum_compname_pct From #comp2)
Select areasymbol, areaname, nationalmusym, musym, muname, mukey, compname, localphase, cokey, majcompflag, mu_sum_pct, sum_compname_pct
From #comp
Where sum_compname_pct < 10
ORDER BY areasymbol ASC, musym ASC, muname ASC
-- Cleanup all temporary tables
IF OBJECT_ID('temp_db..#comp2', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #comp2;
IF OBJECT_ID('temp_db..#comp', 'U') IS NOT NULL
AK644 |
Ketchikan Area, Alaska |
1nsm |
6 |
McGilvery-Traitors complex, 60 to 100 percent slopes |
49774 |
Helm |
granitic |
15954339 |
Yes |
88 |
3 |
AK646 |
Chatham Area, Alaska |
1nz8 |
3553D |
Sitka-Partofshikof complex, smooth, 56 to 75 percent slopes |
49949 |
McGilvery |
smooth |
15955701 |
Yes |
90 |
5 |
Example Output