Soil Data Access Usage by Hour and Day

Below are soil data access hits (usage) by hour and day. Typically, the median range per hour is about 2k and ranges between 500 to 7,300 queries (quartile).

The busiest days are Tuesdays and Thursdays; the median for a typical day is about 90,000 and ranges from 55,000 to 181,000 (quartile.) Note: There are some extreme values in the 95th percentile that might need to be considered for planning purposes. Also, the metrics don’t track the complexity of the queries hitting to soil data access. The complexity could impact the speed of the server.


hour_05_percentile hour_25_percentile hour_50_percentile hour_75_percentile hour_95_percentile min_hour_count max_hour_count avg_hour_count
69 527 2,048 7,342 32,426 5 565,322 10,767


day_05_percentile day_25_percentile day_50_percentile day_75_percentile day_95_percentile min_day_count max_day_count avg_day_count day
7,561 13,923 21,118 66,996 559,737 5,149 4,817,860 192,513 Sunday
8,316 14,404 31,519 94,307 481,157 5,976 12,470,806 348,879 Saturday
19,659 52,537 84,785 159,574 585,673 16,667 7,420,868 295,437 Monday
33,516 52,546 85,026 188,906 1,273,597 27,143 2,319,515 256,262 Friday
34,573 61,290 105,323 172,092 557,934 14,992 1,563,087 183,311 Thursday
35,300 56,185 109,063 210,785 1,083,900 6,916 6,612,823 330,289 Tuesday
36,338 60,430 91,972 185,929 778,698 9,629 1,366,856 201,693 Wednesday

Weekday (Monday to Friday with day undefined)

day_05_percentile day_25_percentile day_50_percentile day_75_percentile day_95_percentile min_day_count max_day_count avg_day_count
32,390 55,504 89,681 181,065 867,614 6,916 7,420,868 253,409

Metric Charts

Figure 1.—Soil application usage by year.

Figure 1.—Soil application usage by year.

Figure 2.—Soil Data Access sum day count from 5/1/2019 to 6/18/2019.

Figure 2.—Soil Data Access sum day count from 5/1/2019 to 6/18/2019.

Figure 3.—Soil Data Access sum day count from 5/1/2018 to 6/18/2019.

Figure 3.—Soil Data Access sum day count from 5/1/2018 to 6/18/2019.

Database Log SQL Script

-- SDA Metrics by 'SDA Spatial Query','SDA Tabular Query','SDA User Interface'

use baflogrpt; 
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #sdametrics_day
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #sdametrics_hour

declare @startLogDateTime datetime
set @startLogDateTime = '2018-06-01T00:00:00'
declare @endLogDateTime datetime
set @endLogDateTime = '2019-06-01T00:00:00'

--Creates table
declare @t table(dt datetime, d varchar(50), h int, y int, m int ,  SDA_Log_Message varchar(50), SDA_Application_Name varchar(50), logCount int, app int );
insert into @t

--Grabs the log ids for Soil Data Access usage

FORMAT (Log.LogDateTime, 'd', 'en-US') AS dt,
FORMAT(Log.LogDateTime, 'dddd') AS d,
DATEPART(hour,Log.LogDateTime)  AS h,
datepart(year, Log.LogDateTime) y,
datepart(month, Log.LogDateTime) m,
log.LogMessage AS SDA_Log_Message,
[Application].ApplicationName AS SDA_Application_Name,
log.LogID AS logCount,
1 AS app
from dbo.log AS Log with(nolock)
left outer join dbo.application AS Application with(nolock) on Application.ApplicationID = Log.ApplicationID
where Log.LogDateTime >= @startLogDateTime
and Log.LogDateTime <= @endLogDateTime
and Application.ApplicationName in ('SDA Spatial Query','SDA Tabular Query','SDA User Interface')
and Log.LogType = 'METRIC'
and Log.LogSubtype =  'SDA AUDIT'

--Aggregates by hour (24 hour format) 
select  dt, 1 AS id,  d, h , y , m ,  
count(DISTINCT logCount) as [hour_count]
INTO #sdametrics_hour
from @t
group by y, m, d, dt,  h
order by y, m, d, dt,  h

--Hour Metrics
percentile_cont (0.05) within group (order by  hour_count)
  over(partition by id) as hour_05_percentile,
percentile_cont (0.25) within group (order by  hour_count)
  over(partition by id) as hour_25_percentile,
percentile_cont (0.50) within group (order by  hour_count)
  over(partition by id) as hour_50_percentile,
  percentile_cont (0.75) within group (order by  hour_count)
  over(partition by id) as hour_75_percentile,
   percentile_cont (0.95) within group (order by  hour_count)
  over(partition by id) as hour_95_percentile,
  MIN(hour_count) over(partition by id) as min_hour_count,
  MAX(hour_count) over(partition by id) as max_hour_count,
  AVG(hour_count) over(partition by id) as avg_hour_count
FROM #sdametrics_hour

--Aggregates and sums the log count by Date
SELECT app, dt, 
  count(DISTINCT logCount) AS sum_day_count,
INTO #sdametrics_day
GROUP BY app, dt, d

--Aggregates and sums the log count by Day of the week
percentile_cont (0.05) within group (order by  sum_day_count)
  over(partition by d) as day_05_percentile,
percentile_cont (0.25) within group (order by  sum_day_count)
  over(partition by d) as day_25_percentile,
percentile_cont (0.50) within group (order by  sum_day_count)
  over(partition by d) as day_50_percentile,
  percentile_cont (0.75) within group (order by  sum_day_count)
  over(partition by d) as day_75_percentile,
  percentile_cont (0.95) within group (order by  sum_day_count)
  over(partition by d) as day_95_percentile,
  MIN(sum_day_count) over(partition by d) as min_day_count,
  MAX(sum_day_count) over(partition by d) as max_day_count,
  AVG(sum_day_count) over(partition by d) as avg_day_count,
  d AS [day]
FROM #sdametrics_day

--Aggregates and sums the log count for the weekday excluding Saturday and Sunda
percentile_cont (0.05) within group (order by  sum_day_count)
  over(partition by app) as day_05_percentile,
percentile_cont (0.25) within group (order by  sum_day_count)
  over(partition by app) as day_25_percentile,
percentile_cont (0.50) within group (order by  sum_day_count)
  over(partition by app) as day_50_percentile,
  percentile_cont (0.75) within group (order by  sum_day_count)
  over(partition by app) as day_75_percentile,
  percentile_cont (0.95) within group (order by  sum_day_count)
  over(partition by app) as day_95_percentile,
  MIN(sum_day_count) over(partition by app) as min_day_count,
  MAX(sum_day_count) over(partition by app) as max_day_count,
  AVG(sum_day_count) over(partition by app) as avg_day_count
FROM #sdametrics_day WHERE d NOT IN ('Saturday', 'Sunday')
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #sdametrics_day
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #sdametrics_hour