This rating for Hydric Soil Category indicates the components of map units that meet the criteria for hydric soils. Map units are composed of one or more major soil components or soil types that generally make up 20 percent or more of the map unit and are listed in the map unit name. Map units may also have one or more minor contrasting soil components that generally make up less than 20 percent of the map unit. Each major and minor component that meets the hydric criteria is rated hydric. The map unit class ratings based on hydric components are: hydric, predominantly hydric, partially hydric, predominantly nonhydric, and nonhydric. The report also shows the total representative percentage of each map unit that the hydric components comprise.

  1. “Hydric” means that all major and minor components listed for a given map unit are rated as hydric.
  2. “Predominantly Hydric” means that all major components listed for a given map unit are rated as hydric, and at least one contrasting minor component is not rated hydric.
  3. “Partially Hydric” means that at least one major component listed for a given map unit is rated as hydric, and at least one other major component is not rated hydric.
  4. “Predominantly Nonhydric” means that no major component listed for a given map unit is rated as hydric, and at least one contrasting minor component is rated hydric.
  5. “Nonhydric” means no major or minor components for the map unit are rated hydric. The assumption is that the map unit is nonhydric even if none of the components within the map unit have been rated.

Rating Class

Rating class values for calculating component acres.

Hydric Class Count Low RV High
Hydric 100 100 100
Predominantly Hydric 80 85 99
Partially Hydric 15 50 79
Predominantly Nonhydric 1 5 20
Nonhydric 0 0 0

Note: For undifferentiated mapunits in the “Predominantly Hydric” class, the low value is set to “0.”

Hydric soils are defined by the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils (NTCHS) as soils that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part (Federal Register, 1994). Under natural conditions, these soils are either saturated or inundated long enough during the growing season to support the growth and reproduction of hydrophytic vegetation.

If soils are wet enough for a long enough period of time to be considered hydric, they typically exhibit certain properties that can be easily observed in the field. These visible properties are indicators of hydric soils. The indicators used to make onsite determinations of hydric soils are specified in “Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States” (Vasilas, Hurt, and Berkowitz, 2018).

The NTCHS has developed criteria to identify those soil properties unique to hydric soils (Federal Register, 2012). These criteria are used to identify map unit components that normally are associated with wetlands. The criteria use selected soil properties that are described in “Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States.” (Vasilas, Hurt, and Berkowitz, 2018), “Soil Taxonomy” (Soil Survey Staff, 1999), “Keys to Soil Taxonomy” (Soil Survey Staff, 2010), and the “Soil Survey Manual” (Soil Survey Division Staff, 1993).

Insert identifier(s) string and WKT geometry for each area of interest (AOI) polygon

SELECT @aoiGeom = GEOMETRY::STGeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON (((-102.12335160658608 45.959173206572416, -102.13402890980223 45.959218442561564, -102.13386921506947 45.944643788188387, -102.12327175652177 45.944703605814198, -102.12335160658608 45.959173206572416)))', 4326);   
SELECT @aoiGeomFixed = @aoiGeom.MakeValid().STUnion(@aoiGeom.STStartPoint());  
INSERT INTO #AoiTable ( landunit, aoigeom )  
VALUES ('T9981 Fld3', @aoiGeomFixed); 
SELECT @aoiGeom = GEOMETRY::STGeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON (((-102.1130336443976 45.959162795100383, -102.12335160658608 45.959173206572416, -102.12327175652177 45.944703605814198, -102.1128892282776 45.944710506326032, -102.1130336443976 45.959162795100383)))', 4326);   
SELECT @aoiGeomFixed = @aoiGeom.MakeValid().STUnion(@aoiGeom.STStartPoint());  
INSERT INTO #AoiTable ( landunit, aoigeom )  
VALUES ('T9981 Fld4', @aoiGeomFixed);

Soil SQL Script Breakdown

aoiid landunit aoigeom
1 T9981 Fld3 POLYGON ((-102.13386921506947 45.944643788188387, -102.12327175652177 45.9447036058142, -102.12335160658608 45.959173206572416, -102.13402890980223 45.959218442561564, -102.13386921506947 45.944643788188387))
2 T9981 Fld4 POLYGON ((-102.12327175652177 45.9447036058142, -102.1128892282776 45.944710506326032, -102.1130336443976 45.959162795100383, -102.12335160658608 45.959173206572416, -102.12327175652177 45.9447036058142))

Create summary acres for each landunit

    ( aoiid INT,
    landunit CHAR(20),
    landunit_acres FLOAT
INSERT INTO #AoiAcres (aoiid, landunit, landunit_acres )\
SELECT  aoiid, landunit,
SUM( ROUND( ( ( GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromWKB(aoigeom.STAsBinary(), 4326 ).STArea() ) / 4046.8564224 ), 3 ) ) AS landunit_acres
FROM #AoiTable
GROUP BY aoiid, landunit;
aoiid landunit landunit_acres
1 T9981 Fld3 328.952
2 T9981 Fld4 318.722

Populate intersected soil polygon table with geometry

-- Create intersected soil polygon table with geometry
    ( polyid INT IDENTITY (1,1),
    aoiid INT,
    landunit CHAR(20),
    mukey INT,
    soilgeom GEOMETRY
INSERT INTO #AoiSoils (aoiid, landunit, mukey, soilgeom)
SELECT A.aoiid, A.landunit, M.mukey, M.mupolygongeo.STIntersection(A.aoigeom ) AS soilgeom
FROM mupolygon M, #AoiTable A
WHERE mupolygongeo.STIntersects(A.aoigeom) = 1;

Populate soil geometry with landunit attribute

-- Soil geometry with landunits
    ( aoiid INT,
    polyid INT,
    landunit CHAR(20),
    mukey INT,
    poly_acres FLOAT,
    soilgeog GEOGRAPHY
-- Populate Soil geometry with landunit attribute
INSERT INTO #AoiSoils2   
SELECT aoiid, polyid, landunit,  mukey, ROUND((( GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromWKB(soilgeom.STAsBinary(), 4326 ).STArea() ) / 4046.8564224 ), 3 ) AS poly_acres, GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromWKB(soilgeom.STAsBinary(), 4326 ) AS soilgeog 
FROM #AoiSoils;

Populate soil map unit acres, aggregated by mukey (merges polygons together)

-- Soil map unit acres, aggregated by mukey (merges polygons together)
    ( aoiid INT,
    landunit CHAR(20),
    mukey INT,
    mapunit_acres FLOAT
SELECT DISTINCT M1.aoiid, M1.landunit, M1.mukey,
ROUND (SUM (M1.poly_acres) OVER(PARTITION BY M1.landunit, M1.mukey), 3) AS mapunit_acres
FROM #AoiSoils2 AS M1
GROUP BY M1.aoiid, M1.landunit, M1.mukey, M1.poly_acres;
aoiid landunit mukey mapunit_acres
1 T9981 Fld3 354627 0.426
1 T9981 Fld3 354648 0.287
1 T9981 Fld3 2494708 1.729
1 T9981 Fld3 2525720 56.699
1 T9981 Fld3 2525732 1.35
1 T9981 Fld3 2525733 0.129
1 T9981 Fld3 2525739 28.479
1 T9981 Fld3 2525745 4.983
1 T9981 Fld3 2525746 16.106
1 T9981 Fld3 2525754 12.638
1 T9981 Fld3 2525764 17.691
1 T9981 Fld3 2525766 0.032
1 T9981 Fld3 2525769 181.356
1 T9981 Fld3 2755648 2.449
1 T9981 Fld3 2755654 4.599
2 T9981 Fld4 2525720 8.623
2 T9981 Fld4 2525724 0.458
2 T9981 Fld4 2525730 31.514
2 T9981 Fld4 2525745 62.205
2 T9981 Fld4 2525746 63.55
2 T9981 Fld4 2525754 23.138
2 T9981 Fld4 2525767 3.86
2 T9981 Fld4 2525769 103.909
2 T9981 Fld4 2755639 0.443
2 T9981 Fld4 2755643 9.641
2 T9981 Fld4 2755648 11.382

Component and Layer Tables

These tables collect map unit and component information needed. This includes all map units selected above and all components (typically soil series) within each map unit that do not have a limiting layer within 200cm. The concepts of components are described by the NSSH (Part 627.034). This example is limited to one mapunit, mukey = 2809839. The information needed for further SOC stock calculations, individual layer information, is selected from each component.

Component variables used in SOC stock calculation (r denotes that the value is representative of the central tendency): * comppct_r = the composition of each map unit, reported as the proportion (%) of the map unit made up of that soil component as part of the map unit documentation process (NSSH, 2017 – Part 627.08)

Component Level Data and Mapunit Sum-of-comppct_r (major components only)

(   aoiid INT,
    landunit CHAR(20),
    mukey INT,
    mapunit_acres FLOAT,
    cokey INT,
    compname CHAR(60),
    comppct_r INT,
    majcompflag CHAR(3),
    mu_pct_sum INT, 
    major_mu_pct_sum INT, 
    drainagecl CHAR(254)
---Populate component level data with cokey, comppct_r and mapunit sum-of-comppct_r
SELECT M2.aoiid, M2.landunit, M2.mukey, mapunit_acres, CO.cokey, CO.compname, CO.comppct_r, CO.majcompflag, (SELECT SUM (CCO.comppct_r) 
INNER JOIN component AS CCO ON CCO.mukey=MM2.mukey  AND M2.mukey=MM2.mukey AND majcompflag = 'Yes'  )  AS  major_mu_pct_sum,
SUM (CO.comppct_r) OVER(PARTITION BY M2.landunit, M2.mukey) AS mu_pct_sum, drainagecl
INNER JOIN component AS CO ON CO.mukey = M2.mukey
aoiid landunit mukey mapunit_acres cokey compname comppct_r majcompflag mu_pct_sum major_mu_pct_sum drainagecl
1 T9981 Fld3 354627 0.426 16464493 Slickspots 2 No 90 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354627 0.426 16464494 Daglum 25 Yes 90 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354627 0.426 16464495 Farnuf 65 Yes 90 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354627 0.426 16464496 Grail 3 No 90 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354627 0.426 16464497 Rhoades 3 No 90 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354627 0.426 16464498 Tally 2 No 90 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354648 0.287 16464607 Amor 25 Yes 85 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354648 0.287 16464608 Arnegard 4 No 85 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354648 0.287 16464609 Belfield 4 No 85 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354648 0.287 16464610 Heil 1 No 85 100 Poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354648 0.287 16464611 Lantry 3 No 85 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354648 0.287 16464612 Reeder 60 Yes 85 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 354648 0.287 16464613 Vebar 3 No 85 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2494708 1.729 16663928 Regent 5 No 81 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2494708 1.729 16663929 Chama 5 No 81 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2494708 1.729 16663930 Amor 49 Yes 81 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2494708 1.729 16663931 Cabba 32 Yes 81 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2494708 1.729 16663932 Shambo 9 No 81 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525720 56.699 16663899 Daglum 33 Yes 176 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525720 56.699 16663900 Savage 3 No 176 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525720 56.699 16663901 Barkof 2 No 176 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525720 56.699 16663902 Rhoades 2 No 176 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525720 56.699 16663903 Rhoades 55 Yes 176 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525720 56.699 16663904 Belfield 5 No 176 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525732 1.35 16663795 Lakota 4 No 72 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525732 1.35 16663796 Ekalaka 55 Yes 72 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525732 1.35 16663797 Yegen 17 Yes 72 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525732 1.35 16663798 Desart 14 No 72 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525732 1.35 16663799 Parshall 6 No 72 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525732 1.35 16663800 Rhoades 2 No 72 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525732 1.35 16663801 Vebar 2 No 72 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525733 0.129 16663950 Beisigl 7 No 75 100 Somewhat excessively drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525733 0.129 16663951 Vebar 50 Yes 75 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525733 0.129 16663952 Cohagen 25 Yes 75 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525733 0.129 16663953 Tally 14 No 75 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525733 0.129 16663954 Amor 2 No 75 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525733 0.129 16663955 Arnegard 2 No 75 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525739 28.479 16663915 Parshall 20 Yes 78 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525739 28.479 16663916 Tally 12 No 78 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525739 28.479 16663917 Vebar 58 Yes 78 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525739 28.479 16663918 Arnegard 8 No 78 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525739 28.479 16663919 Cohagen 2 No 78 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525745 4.983 16663920 Farnuf 12 No 150 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525745 4.983 16663921 Shambo 75 Yes 150 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525745 4.983 16663922 Arnegard 10 No 150 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525745 4.983 16663923 Amor 3 No 150 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525746 16.106 16663924 Arnegard 10 No 156 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525746 16.106 16663925 Farnuf 8 No 156 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525746 16.106 16663926 Amor 4 No 156 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525746 16.106 16663927 Shambo 78 Yes 156 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525754 12.638 16663598 Heil 3 No 150 100 Poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525754 12.638 16663599 Rhoades 4 No 150 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525754 12.638 16663600 Daglum 2 No 150 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525754 12.638 16663601 Vanda 5 No 150 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525754 12.638 16663602 Harriet 75 Yes 150 100 Poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525754 12.638 16663603 Regan 6 No 150 100 Poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525754 12.638 16663604 Glenross 5 No 150 100 Poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525764 17.691 16663605 Peta 2 No 55 100 Somewhat poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525764 17.691 16663606 Dimmick 6 No 55 100 Very poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525764 17.691 16663607 Arveson 12 No 55 100 Poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525764 17.691 16663608 Regan 10 No 55 100 Poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525764 17.691 16663609 Harriet 7 No 55 100 Poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525764 17.691 16663610 Straw 3 No 55 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525764 17.691 16663611 Regan 55 Yes 55 100 Poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525764 17.691 16663612 Marysland 5 No 55 100 Poorly drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525766 0.032 16663539 Water 100 Yes 100 100 NULL
1 T9981 Fld3 2525769 181.356 16663985 Belfield 48 Yes 176 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525769 181.356 16663986 Grail 5 No 176 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525769 181.356 16663987 Daglum 40 Yes 176 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525769 181.356 16663988 Savage 5 No 176 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2525769 181.356 16663989 Rhoades 2 No 176 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755648 2.449 16663766 Reeder 58 Yes 156 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755648 2.449 16663767 Janesburg 20 Yes 156 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755648 2.449 16663768 Amor 10 No 156 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755648 2.449 16663769 Dogtooth 5 No 156 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755648 2.449 16663770 Regent 3 No 156 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755648 2.449 16663771 Belfield 2 No 156 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755648 2.449 16663772 Barkof 2 No 156 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755654 4.599 16663846 Reeder 60 Yes 85 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755654 4.599 16663847 Amor 25 Yes 85 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755654 4.599 16663848 Belfield 4 No 85 100 Moderately well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755654 4.599 16663849 Regent 3 No 85 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755654 4.599 16663850 Vebar 3 No 85 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755654 4.599 16663851 Chama 3 No 85 100 Well drained
1 T9981 Fld3 2755654 4.599 16663852 Arnegard 2 No 85 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525720 8.623 16663899 Daglum 33 Yes 176 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525720 8.623 16663900 Savage 3 No 176 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525720 8.623 16663901 Barkof 2 No 176 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525720 8.623 16663902 Rhoades 2 No 176 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525720 8.623 16663903 Rhoades 55 Yes 176 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525720 8.623 16663904 Belfield 5 No 176 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525724 0.458 16664017 Savage 30 Yes 85 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525724 0.458 16664018 Daglum 20 Yes 85 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525724 0.458 16664019 Grail 8 No 85 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525724 0.458 16664020 Regent 5 No 85 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525724 0.458 16664021 Rhoades 2 No 85 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525724 0.458 16664022 Belfield 35 Yes 85 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525730 31.514 16663990 Daglum 2 No 85 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525730 31.514 16663991 Regent 68 Yes 85 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525730 31.514 16663992 Savage 17 Yes 85 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525730 31.514 16663993 Cabba 2 No 85 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525730 31.514 16663994 Grail 6 No 85 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525730 31.514 16663995 Moreau 5 No 85 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525745 62.205 16663920 Farnuf 12 No 150 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525745 62.205 16663921 Shambo 75 Yes 150 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525745 62.205 16663922 Arnegard 10 No 150 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525745 62.205 16663923 Amor 3 No 150 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525746 63.55 16663924 Arnegard 10 No 156 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525746 63.55 16663925 Farnuf 8 No 156 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525746 63.55 16663926 Amor 4 No 156 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525746 63.55 16663927 Shambo 78 Yes 156 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525754 23.138 16663598 Heil 3 No 150 100 Poorly drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525754 23.138 16663599 Rhoades 4 No 150 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525754 23.138 16663600 Daglum 2 No 150 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525754 23.138 16663601 Vanda 5 No 150 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525754 23.138 16663602 Harriet 75 Yes 150 100 Poorly drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525754 23.138 16663603 Regan 6 No 150 100 Poorly drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525754 23.138 16663604 Glenross 5 No 150 100 Poorly drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525767 3.86 16663540 Water 100 Yes 100 100 NULL
2 T9981 Fld4 2525769 103.909 16663985 Belfield 48 Yes 176 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525769 103.909 16663986 Grail 5 No 176 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525769 103.909 16663987 Daglum 40 Yes 176 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525769 103.909 16663988 Savage 5 No 176 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2525769 103.909 16663989 Rhoades 2 No 176 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755639 0.443 16663552 Regent 3 No 80 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755639 0.443 16663553 Lawther 2 No 80 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755639 0.443 16663554 Savage 62 Yes 80 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755639 0.443 16663555 Grail 18 Yes 80 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755639 0.443 16663556 Belfield 8 No 80 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755639 0.443 16663557 Daglum 2 No 80 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755639 0.443 16663558 Farland 5 No 80 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755643 9.641 16663956 Telfer 3 No 88 100 Somewhat excessively drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755643 9.641 16663957 Flasher 30 Yes 88 100 Somewhat excessively drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755643 9.641 16663958 Vebar 40 Yes 88 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755643 9.641 16663959 Tally 18 Yes 88 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755643 9.641 16663960 Parshall 5 No 88 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755643 9.641 16663961 Amor 4 No 88 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755648 11.382 16663766 Reeder 58 Yes 156 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755648 11.382 16663767 Janesburg 20 Yes 156 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755648 11.382 16663768 Amor 10 No 156 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755648 11.382 16663769 Dogtooth 5 No 156 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755648 11.382 16663770 Regent 3 No 156 100 Well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755648 11.382 16663771 Belfield 2 No 156 100 Moderately well drained
2 T9981 Fld4 2755648 11.382 16663772 Barkof 2 No 156 100 Well drained

Hydric Soils at the Map Unit, Using All Map Units from Table #M2.

-- Hydric soils at the Map Unit, using all map units from table #M2.
(mukey INT,
comp_count INT,        -- cnt_comp
count_maj_comp INT,    -- cnt_mjr
all_hydric INT,        -- cnt_hydric
all_not_hydric INT,    -- cnt_nonhydric
maj_hydric INT,        -- cnt_mjr_hydric
maj_not_hydric INT,    -- cnt_mjr_nonhydric
hydric_inclusions INT, -- cnt_minor_hydric
hydric_null INT);      -- cnt_null_hydric
INSERT INTO #Hydric1 (mukey, comp_count, count_maj_comp, all_hydric, all_not_hydric, maj_hydric, maj_not_hydric, hydric_inclusions, hydric_null)
 FROM mapunit
 INNER JOIN component ON component.mukey = mapunit.mukey AND mapunit.mukey = M4.mukey) AS comp_count,
 FROM mapunit
 INNER JOIN component ON component.mukey = mapunit.mukey AND mapunit.mukey = M4.mukey
 AND majcompflag = 'yes') AS count_maj_comp,
 FROM mapunit
 INNER JOIN component ON component.mukey = mapunit.mukey AND mapunit.mukey = M4.mukey
 AND hydricrating = 'yes' ) AS all_hydric,
 FROM mapunit
 INNER JOIN component ON component.mukey = mapunit.mukey AND mapunit.mukey = M4.mukey
 AND hydricrating  != 'yes') AS all_not_hydric, 
 FROM mapunit
 INNER JOIN component ON component.mukey = mapunit.mukey AND mapunit.mukey = M4.mukey
 AND majcompflag = 'yes' AND hydricrating = 'yes') AS maj_hydric,
 FROM mapunit
 INNER JOIN component ON component.mukey = mapunit.mukey AND mapunit.mukey = M4.mukey
 AND majcompflag = 'yes' AND hydricrating != 'yes') AS maj_not_hydric,
 FROM mapunit
 INNER JOIN component ON component.mukey = mapunit.mukey AND mapunit.mukey = M4.mukey
 AND majcompflag != 'yes' AND hydricrating  = 'yes' ) AS hydric_inclusions,
 FROM mapunit
 INNER JOIN component ON component.mukey = mapunit.mukey AND mapunit.mukey = M4.mukey
 AND hydricrating  IS NULL ) AS hydric_null 

Get counts for major-minor components and different hydric ratings (Yes, No, NULL)

  • mukey,
  • total number of components,
  • number of major components,
  • total number of hydric components,
  • number of major hydric components,
  • number of major non-hydric components,
  • number of minor hydric components,
  • total number of non-hydric components,
  • number of components where hydric is null
mukey comp_count count_maj_comp all_hydric all_not_hydric maj_hydric maj_not_hydric hydric_inclusions hydric_null
354627 6 2 0 6 0 2 0 0
354648 7 2 1 6 0 2 1 0
2494708 5 2 0 5 0 2 0 0
2525720 6 2 0 6 0 2 0 0
2525724 6 3 0 6 0 3 0 0
2525730 6 2 0 6 0 2 0 0
2525732 7 2 0 7 0 2 0 0
2525733 6 2 0 6 0 2 0 0
2525739 5 2 0 5 0 2 0 0
2525745 4 1 0 4 0 1 0 0
2525746 4 1 0 4 0 1 0 0
2525754 7 1 4 3 1 0 3 0
2525764 8 1 6 2 1 0 5 0
2525766 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
2525767 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
2525769 5 2 0 5 0 2 0 0
2755639 7 2 0 7 0 2 0 0
2755643 6 3 0 6 0 3 0 0
2755648 7 2 0 7 0 2 0 0
2755654 7 2 0 7 0 2 0 0

Convert the hydric component count to a value acreage

INSERT INTO #Hydric2 (mukey, hydric_rating, low_pct, rv_pct, high_pct)
CASE WHEN comp_count = all_not_hydric + hydric_null THEN 'Nonhydric' 
WHEN comp_count = all_hydric  THEN 'Hydric' 
WHEN comp_count != all_hydric AND count_maj_comp = maj_hydric THEN 'Predominantly hydric' 
WHEN hydric_inclusions >= 0.5 AND  maj_hydric < 0.5 THEN  'Predominantly nonydric' 
WHEN maj_not_hydric >= 0.5  AND  maj_hydric >= 0.5 THEN 'Partially hydric'
ELSE 'Error'
END AS hydric_rating, 
CASE WHEN comp_count = all_not_hydric + hydric_null THEN 0.00 --'Nonhydric' 
WHEN comp_count = all_hydric  THEN 1 --'Hydric' 
WHEN comp_count != all_hydric AND count_maj_comp = maj_hydric THEN 0.80 --'Predominantly hydric' 
WHEN hydric_inclusions >= 0.5 AND  maj_hydric < 0.5 THEN 0.01 --'Predominantly nonydric' 
WHEN maj_not_hydric >= 0.5  AND maj_hydric >= 0.5 THEN 0.15 --'Partially hydric' 
ELSE 0.00 --'Error' 
END AS low_pct, 
CASE WHEN comp_count = all_not_hydric + hydric_null THEN 0.00 --'Nonhydric' 
WHEN comp_count = all_hydric  THEN 1 --'Hydric' 
WHEN comp_count != all_hydric AND count_maj_comp = maj_hydric THEN 0.85 --'Predominantly hydric' 
WHEN hydric_inclusions >= 0.5 AND  maj_hydric < 0.5 THEN 0.05 --'Predominantly nonydric' 
WHEN maj_not_hydric >= 0.5  AND  maj_hydric >= 0.5 THEN  0.50 --'Partially hydric' 
ELSE 0.00 --'Error' 
END AS rv_pct, 
CASE WHEN comp_count = all_not_hydric + hydric_null THEN 0.00 --'Nonhydric' 
WHEN comp_count = all_hydric  THEN 1 --'Hydric' 
WHEN comp_count != all_hydric AND count_maj_comp = maj_hydric THEN 0.99 --'Predominantly hydric' 
WHEN hydric_inclusions >= 0.5 AND maj_hydric < 0.5 THEN 0.20 --'Predominantly nonydric' 
WHEN maj_not_hydric >= 0.5  AND maj_hydric >= 0.5 THEN  0.79 --'Partially hydric' 
ELSE 0.00 --'Error' 
END AS high_pct
FROM #Hydric1;
  • Takes hydric count statistics and converts them to interpretation-type rating classes (hydric_rating).
  • Also assigns fuzzy-type values as percent ratings. These will be used later in a calculation involving mapunit acres.
  • If a hydric rating of “Error”" or rating number of 0.0 is returned, there is an error that needs to be checked.
mukey hydric_rating low_pct rv_pct high_pct
354627 Nonhydric 0 0 0
354648 Predominantly nonydric 0.01 0.05 0.2
2494708 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2525720 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2525724 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2525730 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2525732 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2525733 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2525739 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2525745 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2525746 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2525754 Predominantly hydric 0.8 0.85 0.99
2525764 Predominantly hydric 0.8 0.85 0.99
2525766 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2525767 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2525769 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2755639 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2755643 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2755648 Nonhydric 0 0 0
2755654 Nonhydric 0 0 0

Calculating the Polygon Map Acres Based on the Class Range to Get a Percentage of Each Class

INSERT INTO #Hydric3 ( aoiid, landunit, attributename, aoi_acres, mukey, hydric_flag, low_acres, rv_acres, high_acres)
'Hydric Soils' AS attributename,
ROUND (SUM (mapunit_acres ) OVER(PARTITION BY aoiid), 2) AS aoi_acres,
CASE WHEN hydric_rating = 'Nonhydric' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS hydric_flag,
mapunit_acres * low_pct AS low_acres, 
mapunit_acres * rv_pct AS rv_acres , 
mapunit_acres * high_pct AS high_acres  
FROM #Hydric2 AS H3
INNER JOIN #M2 AS MH2 ON MH2.mukey = H3.mukey
GROUP BY aoiid, landunit, H3.mukey, mapunit_acres, hydric_rating, low_pct, rv_pct, high_pct
aoiid landunit attributename AOI_Acres rating rating_key mukey hydric_flag low_acres rv_acres high_acres
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 354627 0 0 0 0
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 354648 1 0.00287 0.01435 0.0574
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2494708 0 0 0 0
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2525720 0 0 0 0
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2525732 0 0 0 0
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2525733 0 0 0 0
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2525739 0 0 0 0
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2525745 0 0 0 0
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2525746 0 0 0 0
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2525754 1 10.1104 10.7423 12.51162
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2525764 1 14.1528 15.03735 17.51409
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2525766 0 0 0 0
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2525769 0 0 0 0
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2755648 0 0 0 0
1 T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils 328.95 NULL NULL 2755654 0 0 0 0
2 T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils 318.72 NULL NULL 2525720 0 0 0 0
2 T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils 318.72 NULL NULL 2525724 0 0 0 0
2 T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils 318.72 NULL NULL 2525730 0 0 0 0
2 T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils 318.72 NULL NULL 2525745 0 0 0 0
2 T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils 318.72 NULL NULL 2525746 0 0 0 0
2 T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils 318.72 NULL NULL 2525754 1 18.5104 19.6673 22.90662
2 T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils 318.72 NULL NULL 2525767 0 0 0 0
2 T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils 318.72 NULL NULL 2525769 0 0 0 0
2 T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils 318.72 NULL NULL 2755639 0 0 0 0
2 T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils 318.72 NULL NULL 2755643 0 0 0 0
2 T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils 318.72 NULL NULL 2755648 0 0 0 0

Return Hydric by Land Unit

-- Return hydric by Land Unit
CASE WHEN rv_acres  IS NOT NULL THEN CONCAT ('Hydric Soils' , ':' , 1) 
WHEN rv_acres  = 0 THEN CONCAT ('Hydric Soils' , ':' , 0)
WHEN rv_acres IS  NULL THEN CONCAT ('Hydric Soils', ':' , 'Not Rated') 
END AS rating_key,

ROUND (SUM (low_acres) OVER(PARTITION BY aoiid), 2) AS aoiid_low_acres, 
ROUND (SUM (rv_acres) OVER(PARTITION BY aoiid), 2) AS aoiid_rv_acres, 
ROUND (SUM (high_acres) OVER(PARTITION BY aoiid), 2) AS aoiid_high_acres,
ROUND((ROUND (SUM (low_acres) OVER(PARTITION BY aoiid), 2) / aoi_acres) * 100.0, 2) AS aoiid_low_pct, 
ROUND((ROUND (SUM (rv_acres) OVER(PARTITION BY aoiid), 2) / aoi_acres) * 100.0, 2) AS aoiid_rv_pct,
ROUND((ROUND (SUM (high_acres) OVER(PARTITION BY aoiid), 2) / aoi_acres) * 100.0, 2) AS aoiid_high_pct
FROM #Hydric3

Final Results Table

andunit rating_key attributename aoiid_low_acres aoiid_rv_acres aoiid_high_acres aoiid_low_pct aoiid_rv_pct aoiid_high_pct
T9981 Fld3 Hydric Soils:1 Hydric Soils 24.27 25.79 30.08 7.38 7.84 9.14
T9981 Fld4 Hydric Soils:1 Hydric Soils 18.51 19.67 22.91 5.81 6.17 7.19

Map Results

Figure 1.—Hydric rating by map unit using component count.

Figure 1.—Hydric rating by map unit using component count.

The Criteria for Hydric Soils

The criteria for hydric soils are represented by codes, for example, 2 or 3. Definitions for the codes are as follows:

  1. All Histels except for Folistels, and Histosols except for Folists.

  2. Soils in Aquic suborders, great groups, or subgroups, Albolls suborder, Historthels great group, Histoturbels great group, Pachic subgroups, or Cumulic subgroups that:

    1. Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or

    2. Show evidence that the soil meets the definition of a hydric soil;

  3. Soils that are frequently ponded for long or very long duration during the growing season.

    1. Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or

    2. Show evidence that the soil meets the definition of a hydric soil;

  4. Map unit components that are frequently flooded for long duration or very long duration during the growing season that:

    1. Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or

    2. Show evidence that the soil meets the definition of a hydric soil;

Hydric Condition: Food Security Act information regarding the ability to grow a commodity crop without removing woody vegetation or manipulating hydrology.


  1. Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States.
  2. Federal Register. February, 28, 2012. Hydric soils of the United States.
  3. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18.
  4. Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436.
  5. Soil Survey Staff. 2010. Keys to soil taxonomy. 11th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.
  6. Vasilas, L.M., G.W. Hurt, and J.F Berkowitz, editors. 2018. Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States, version 8.2.